Ini adalah coretan gw. coretan dmna gw bisa mengeluarkan isi hati, bebas berekspresi mengeluarkan ide, pikiran dan tetap berkreasi & berinovasi
Mau belajar, mau mendengar, mau menghargai, mau melihat & mau berfikir. Begitulah seharusnya manusia bertindak. Itulah manusia yg tdk biasa diantara manusia yg biasa. Itulah manusia Sukses, yg dilihat bukan dari berapa bnyknya kekayaannya. dan itulah manusia dewasa yg akan dilihat, bukan krn dari usianya skr. tetapi krn manusia tsb memang benar2 mau berusaha utk ingin mjd manusia yg lebih baik, dari hari kemarin, hari ini & hari esok.
Memberi dgn iklas itu seharusnya seperti kita buang hajat. krn disaat kita buang hajat, kita iklas mengeluarkannya tanpa membicarakan apa yg telah kita keluarkan. kita jg ga akan membahasnya & kita jg ga akan mengingat kembali apa yg tlah kita kluarkan.begitulah seharusnya jika kita memberikan sesuatu kepada orang lain.
It seems you were sent straight to me from above
Your smile is bright enough to bring the day
Your eyes so blue, I just have to say
There couldn’t be anything more perfect in one place
Your beauty is much deeper than just your face
They say love takes time but yet . . . .
It feels as if we’ve already met
It feels like we were meant to be
Together forever . . . You and Me
Your smile is bright enough to bring the day
Your eyes so blue, I just have to say
There couldn’t be anything more perfect in one place
Your beauty is much deeper than just your face
They say love takes time but yet . . . .
It feels as if we’ve already met
It feels like we were meant to be
Together forever . . . You and Me
I love you so much that words can’t explain
this joy that I have for you.
When I am at the weakest point of my life
you are there encouraging me to run this race
because I am not only cause you are there with me.
You are on my mind day and night.
When we are apart I picture you gracious smile and gentle hug.
I can let my feelings out to you and won’t regret it
because no matter what is you are always on my side.
I thank God for sending me someone like you who is precious and loving
this joy that I have for you.
When I am at the weakest point of my life
you are there encouraging me to run this race
because I am not only cause you are there with me.
You are on my mind day and night.
When we are apart I picture you gracious smile and gentle hug.
I can let my feelings out to you and won’t regret it
because no matter what is you are always on my side.
I thank God for sending me someone like you who is precious and loving
Gw ga tau, apakah saat in gw sedang mencintai orang yg tepat diwaktu yg salah / kah gw sedang mencintai orang yg salah diwaktu yg tepat.mungkin, hanya waktu yg bisa menjwb itu smua.
Kata Bapa Tebe...Tangan Diatas Lebih Baik Dari Tangan Dibawah
Orang Sukses Bukan Orang yg ga pernah gagal.Tapi Orang yg mau belajar dari kegagalannya.dan Orang baik,bukan orang yg ga pernah salah.akan tetapi orang yg mau memperbaiki kesalahannya
Hidup itu seperti permainan catur.walaupun permainan...tapi permainan yg serius